Conquer Burnout through creative expression.

No talent required. Curiosity encouraged.

Discover and develop a love for creating personal art through journaling.

Not sure where to start? I can help you with that. Here’s what to do next!


First, download the free Guide to Conquering Professional Burnout.


Next, enroll in the Calm the Mind course to start conquering burnout with simple, stress-reducing art exercises.


Get on the list to be notified as soon as I announce the new art journaling course.

Hi! I’m Melissa, and I want to help you overcome burnout through art journaling.

As professionals, we work so hard to be perfect. Push ourselves to perfection and we don’t let up. Our pursuit is relentless. Do we expect that of others? Of course not, but we’re harder on ourselves and expect more.

Unfortunately, while that mindset can help you succeed and grow in your career, it’s not doing your body or mind any good at all. 

I want to show you how to step away from the strive for perfection, just for a few moments. Give yourself a break, permission to be imperfect. Create something just for you… not for your boss, not for a team, not for anyone but yourself.