Hello! I’m Melissa


As the head of marketing for a $1B company, my days were long, and demands were heavy. Reports, analytics, strategies, people management, meetings, calls, operating plans, executive meetings, quotas, bosses, projects… it was never ending and very difficult to turn off at the end of the day.

I used to tell myself I loved every minute of it, but it was burning me out.

I found myself so absorbed in doing more and doing better for work that I forgot about doing anything for myself.

Add to that the pressures of being a military wife and moving every few years while trying to build a career, I allowed all those pressures to keep me from doing the things I enjoy. Feeling the need to constantly achieve and excel, to earn more, to get a bigger title… it was an exhausting never-ending cycle.

Even though my professional role was a creative one, creativity took a back seat. The longer I ignored my mind’s need for creativity, the more stressed, anxious and depressed I became.

As I unpacked from our third move in five years, I came across my art supplies and realized I had ignored this part of myself for far too long. I made a decision then to focus on health and happiness, and things started getting better… quickly. I made a regular practice of creating in my art journal and I’m a more relaxed and happier human.

I’m not a doctor or psychologist. But I am a certified art therapy practitioner and I also understand what it’s like to excel in a career and get caught up in the cycle of advancement for title and greater pay, while forgetting yourself in the process.

We’re all creative in one way or another. Sometimes there’s a pull to create something, but we’re just not sure what or where to start. I want to help you find your creativity.