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Your free guide should arrive in your inbox any minute.

In the meantime, keep reading to take advantage of a special offer that will help you conquer burnout quickly. For this one-time offer, you can grab our Calm the Mind course for just $39 (normally priced $79).

Ready to get started conquering burnout? You won't want to miss this exclusive offer below:

A collection of relaxing video art lessons to help you reduce stress quickly. No talent required.


I was so excited to dig into these videos and learn more. I already completed my first exercise and really enjoyed it! I didn't think about work once.

— Jennifer L.

Imagine having the resources you need to calm your mind in 10- to 20-minute lessons.

Here's what that would look like....

  • Relieve stress with calming, no stress art lessons.
  • Complete each exercise time and again, and the results will always be a new piece of beautiful art.
  • Each lesson is designed to help you forget about work and life stressors.
  • No time pressures since each lesson can be completed in less than 20 minutes.

I always thought journaling was boring and something I just could not do. That is until I came across Melissa's course. What a wonderful way to relax and express yourself at the same time. The information, tips, and ideas she provides are priceless.

— Theresa M.

Calm your mind quickly with stress-relieving art exercises

Get access to these must-have exercises as a way to reduce stress quickly. The full Calm the Mind course is $39 during this limited offer and includes:

  • Welcome video and supply review to help put you in the right head space to let go of stress
  • Introduction to Watercolor so you can get used to colors and tools.
  • 7 easy, calming art lessons for relieving stress quickly.
  • Lifetime access so you can watch these time and again for calming reference whenever you need it.
  • One, no-stress, minimal supply list for all the exercises.
  • Printable supplies list to get started right away

Examples of the art created in the Calm the Mind lessons.

Your work will be completely your own!

Hi! I'm Melissa.

We work so hard, striving for perfection. Our pursuit is relentless. Do we expect that of others? Of course not, but we’re harder on ourselves and expect more.

I can relate because as the head of marketing for a $1B company, my days were long, and demands were heavy. It was never ending and very difficult to turn off at the end of the day. It was an exhausting cycle.

Now I'm a multi media artist and certified art therapy practitioner. I want to show you how to step away from the strive for perfection, just for a few moments. Give yourself a break and permission to be imperfect.

We’re all creative in one way or another. Sometimes there’s a pull to create something, but we’re just not sure what or where to start. I want to help you find your creativity.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

One payment of $39 gets you lifetime access to this collection of art exercise videos.

Is this course a one-time payment or a monthly subscription?

This course is a one payment of $39 and gets you lifetime access to this collection of art exercise videos. You will not be charged again for this course.

How long is the course?

This course consists of seven art exercises, all of which are under 20 minutes. There is also a welcome video reviewing supplies and a special, short "Introduction to Watercolor" video to help you get started. You can do these exercises at your own pace, but you could even get them all done in one day if you absolutely wanted to. However, I recommend you take your time and enjoy the process.

Does it matter if I'm new to art?

Not at all! Even if you've never picked up a paint brush, you can still enjoy these exercises! The purpose of these exercises is to find calm, not the next masterpiece for an art gallery downtown.

When can I get started?

Right away! This collection of art exercise videos are available anytime you want to access them online. Do them at your leisure. You don't have to do them all at once, and you certainly don't have to do them only once! 

Who is this course for?

This course is a collection of stress-reducing art exercises created specifically for people experiencing burnout and wanting to try their hand at using creative expression to reduce stress. It's a great way to take time for yourself, incorporate therapeutic art practices in with your art journaling, learn how to embrace imperfection, and well... calm your mind. These exercises are also great to use in your art journal practice - start out your pages with these as backgrounds, use as inspiration, or simply use as a way to "unblank" the blank page.  

What is included for the $39?

You'll receive the full collection of seven art exercises, plus an introduction video which covers your supplies and another bonus "Introduction to Watercolor" video for the absolute beginner. You have lifetime access to these videos so you can access these time and again.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Since this is a digital product and can not be "returned" once it's accessed, there are no refunds. However, if you are completely unsatisfied after you complete the course in its entirety, please email me and let me know. I'll make it right.  

Do I have to be in the U.S. to access this course?

Not at all. As long as you have access to the internet, you should be able to access this course.

How much will I need to spend on supplies?

There are no "requirements" for supplies for this course, and I recommend you use what you have first. However, if you want to order exactly what I recommend for the course, I estimate that all the basic supplies should cost between $25 - $35.